


Our Walnut Creek Dentists Debunk the Misconceptions About Dental Implants

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misconceptions about dental implants

Dental implants are a useful procedure that can help restore functionality and health to any patient in need. They offer an excellent way to restore brightness and fullness to your smile and can allow you to eat and breathe without any problems. Our dentists at Pope Dental have determined the most common misconceptions about dental implants, and we want to debunk them. Using our guide, you can determine if dental implants are right for you.

Dental Implant Treatments Are Not Painful nor Invasive

A lot of patients believe that dental implants are too painful to be worth it. While it is understandable to be afraid of dental procedures and operations, our dental implants specialist can assure you that the treatment is not painful, nor is it too invasive to any surrounding oral areas. The process of applying dental implants is a small surgery that can be completed with the use of anesthetics or sedation dentistry if the patient prefers. Regardless of the numbing method chosen, you will not feel any pain during the process. Resulting bruising may occur during the aftercare process, but the pain will subside and medications can be prescribed to alleviate any discomfort.

Dental Implants Look Completely Natural

A common misconception about dental implants is that they are not fitted well, and that they don’t resemble natural teeth. This is a false perception. Dental implants specialists ensure that your dental implants will resemble natural teeth while also retaining the shape of your face in alignment with the structure of your jaw line. Restorative dentistry experts use some of the existing bone in your mouth to shape and craft a mold for dental implants. The advances in cosmetic dentistry allow you to retain a natural look that restores functionality to your mouth.

Dental Implants Are Not Expensive

Our Walnut Creek dentists provide several affordable options when it comes to dental implants. Dental implants are a permanent fixture, meaning you’ll have them for a lifetime and they will not need to be replaced or repaired. Because of this, the procedure is extremely cost effective.

Get Your Dental Implants Consultation Today!

Visit Pope Dental to schedule a consultation or to find out more about the misconceptions about dental implants. Our dental implants specialist can provide accurate information and show images of what you can expect during and after the dental implants procedure. Call one of our dentists at 925-939-4989 to discuss appointment availability.